John Bragin


Lecturer (periodic) in Complex Systems Science, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

From 1995 to 2005 John Bragin was Senior Education Coordinator for the UCLA Center for the Study of Evolution & the Origin of Life where he designed & co-taught a dozen continuing education courses and co-convened four conferences. In 2005 he joined the UCLA Human Complex Systems Program as part-time Academic Coordinator, where he established a Graduate Certificate Program. He began teaching courses for the Program in Fall 2007. The HCS Program was disestablished in December 2012, but he continues to teach complexity science periodically for other areas at UCLA. Mr Bragin graduated UCLA cum laude in 1965 with a Major in Motion Picture Production and a Minor in Art History. Among his awards and honors, he is the recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship, CINDY award (from the Association of Visual Communicators), Distinguished Teacher Award from UCLA Extension, UCLA Faculty Recognition Award, and a UCLA Professional Development Award. He first encountered complexity issues during his production of two video instruction series in Artificial Intelligence that he made for UCLA in the early 1990s. His main areas of complexity interest are the origin & evolution of life, analytical sociology, and urban planning & design. He also maintains an active interest in the history and philosophy of science. Mr Bragin is Assistant Editor of the Routledge five-volume anthology COMPLEXITY — Major Concepts (2012).

Email: jbragin-at-ucla-dot-edu.

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