• 2018 Group Photo

CSSSA is a non-profit 501/c corporation registered in the District of Columbia with tax-exempt status from the US Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The Society is governed by a community of members who elect an Executive Committee for a two-year term at the Members’ Business Meeting of the Annual Conference. The Executive Committee consists of President, Vice President, Director of Communications, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Board of Directors is made up of the Executive Committee and At-Large members. At-Large members are either elected to two-year terms by the membership or are past officers appointed ex-officio by the Board.

2025-2027 officers

President: D. Cale Reeves, University of Cambridge
Vice President: Zining Yang, Southern California Edison
Director of Communication: Elizabeth von Briesen, Elon University
Secretary: Jiin Jung, Lehigh University
Treasurer: Ellen Badgley, MITRE Corporation

At-large board members

Andrew Crooks, University at Buffalo
Andy Collins, Old Dominion University
Matt Koehler, MITRE Corporation
Ted Carmichael, TutorGen, Inc.
Tim Gulden, RAND Corporation

Past Presidents

Matt Koehler, MITRE Corporation
Mirsad Hadzikadic, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Tim Gulden, RAND Corporation
Edward MacKerrow, Los Alamos National Laboratory
William Griffin, Arizona State University
Claudio Cioffi-Revilla, George Mason University
David Sallach, Argonne National Laboratory
