Submitting the Camera-ready Copy of your Paper for the Proceedings

Please submit the Final Version of your paper for the Conference Proceeding to Springer’s EqinOCS system:

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Formatting and other details can be found at:

Submission overview

There are two main parts to the process of submitting your paper for publication in the conference proceedings. The first part is the Contributor Agreement which you complete using the Permissions Request Form. The second is submitting your paper in the appropriate format, which is described on SpringerNature’s proceedings website. This is where nearly all information relevant to contributing authors regarding the proceedings publication process in print and electronic format can be found. Please download and read the editors’ guidelines, which are available on the website.

Our conference proceedings volume is published, in parallel to the printed books, in full-text electronic version in our digital library on SpringerLink. We therefore need all the electronic files, most importantly the source files, of all parts of the manuscript as advised in the editor and author instructions. We also require a final PDF of the paper created and checked by you. Once data processing has been finished, Springer will contact the corresponding authors and ask them to check their papers. Hence, we will need from you, at the time when you submit the manuscript files, the corresponding authors’ e-mail addresses which Springer could use for contacting the authors.

Springer style files and templates are available at following page:

Using 3rd Party Materials:

Please familiarize yourself with the Springer Nature Guide to Copyright and Permissions, which contains advice on including third-party content or material that you have created yourself and published elsewhere in your manuscript.

Third-party content is defined as any material within the manuscript that is not your original work. Third party content may consist of text passages, figures, photos, poems, song lyrics, screenshots, etc. and be found in many places such as, but not limited to, the Internet, print and online books and articles, theses, annual reports, conference material, photocopies, course packages, and translations. In particular, you should pay close attention to sensitive images containing identifiable persons, logos, brands/trademarks, images from agencies, or from the Internet as well as text content such as song lyrics, poems, interviews, social media content and references to commercial entities.

To obtain permission to use third-party material in the manuscript visit the Rights Holder website or Copyright Clearance Center. If the material is not found, please exert your best efforts to use our Permissions Request Form and/or Release Request Form (to obtain permission from interviewees or other identifiable individuals or the owners of identifiable property in source material) for your request. If the rights-holder issues their own form, please ensure that the document they provide includes all Required Rights listed in the ‘Guide to Obtaining Permissions’ section in our Springer Nature Third Party Permissions Guidelines.

It’s a good idea to begin the permissions-clearing process as early as possible, to avoid delays to the publishing process. You may also need to negotiate with rights-holders if they do not meet our requirements. It is crucial that the rights you obtain are sufficient to cover the rights you have granted to publisher under your publishing agreement.

Please do run any permissions queries past us if you’re unsure. Send an email to

All authors submitting papers to a contributed volume must grant the publisher specific permission to publish the work via the Contributor Agreement. This is a legal requirement that arises from provisions of copyright law and acts as additional protection. Please submit the completed forms and the scanned version of the Contributor Agreement along with the final manuscript, so that we do not delay the publishing process. Each corresponding author should print the form, enter the title of the chapter as well as the names of the authors at the top of the form and sign it. Important: details of the chapter authors (sequence, names, name and affiliation of corresponding author) given in the Contributor Agreement should be complete, final and correspond to the details given in the manuscript. As this is a legal document, we cannot accept changes at a later stage and ask for your understanding in this matter.

We strongly recommend that all paper authors include their affiliation and e-mail address in their manuscript. Their e-mail addresses (also published in the chapters) will be used by SpringerNature to provide authors with a personal MySpringer account where they can download a free copy of the eBook. In addition, all authors will be offered a 40% discount on any eBook or print book order from our web shop. Both the free eBook and the author discount will be activated on MySpringer.